JOY over Perfectionism

In issue 2 of Rise + Thrive, we’re opening up about perfectionism regarding healthy longevity to help you focus on moments instead of metrics for lasting well-being. It’s all about quitting fixating solely on optimising every aspect of your life for health and start living well. Happy reading!

From our founders

How Steve found joy beyond the pursuit of health perfection

Ever been overly fixated on metrics and personal records in pursuit of health? That used to be me. Every run needed to break a personal record in the Strava app and my nutritional intake needed to tick all the boxes, every single day. Motivation led to dedication which turned into an obsession and ultimately perfectionism.

How do you know if your good intentions to be healthy hinder you from living well? Maybe you skip cake at the party because it doesn’t fit into your diet or a spontaneous call from a friend seems to impose on your rigid routine. On my quest to find a balance between ambition and presence, here are the main things I’ve switched up to stop letting perfectionism creep in — and let joy take centre stage.

Shift the focus 👀 Include other aspects of well-being, such as relationships and relaxation into your daily rituals. Me personally? I leave my devices at home now for 50% of my runs, block off time for family dinners, and end the day with a walk around the neighborhood with my wife.

Cultivate self-compassion ❤️ The longest relationship I’m ever going to have is with myself and living a long life isn’t much fun if I’m criticising myself the entire time. I make a conscious effort to define a ‘good day’ as one in which I move my body, create something, speak with a friend, get outside, ate well (and yes, that might mean ending the meal with good-quality chocolate!) and didn’t give myself a hard time about how far or fast I did or didn’t cycle.

Breaking down the barrier that perfectionism creates allows us to fully engage with the world around us and enjoy the beauty and richness of life beyond our predetermined ideals. If our goal is to live a healthy life for as long as possible, we might be better off savouring everything we get to experience right now. I still love a good endurance sports challenge, don’t get me wrong but the reality is that a truly fulfilling life (regardless of its length) comes through meaning and connection.

Seize the years (not the Strava badges),

Steve Jennings | Co-Founder + CEO, Yeu

One to watch 📺

Dan’s journey back to realistic health and fitness

Follow former professional cyclist Dan Lloyd as he adopts a healthier lifestyle in a bid to improve his healthspan and lifespan. 

Watch the first episode

Worth the read 📰

30 ways to fill your life with joy

It takes only a small step into awareness to dance to music in our kitchen while cooking, enjoy the people around us, and savour our food. These moments are available to us all the time. 

Read more

Why healthspan may be more important than lifespan

In a thought-provoking article by TIME, the concept of ‘healthspan’ is brought to the forefront. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s stance on prioritising quality of life over extended longevity encapsulates a significant shift in our understanding of aging.

Read more

Extra, extra!

Some favorites from the Yeu team

📖 Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being
Lots of science has happened since this informative book by Andrew Weil M.D. was first published in 2004, but it’s a good place to start if you want to age well.
Check it out

📺 What makes a good life?
In this captivating TED talk, Robert Waldinger unpacks Harvard University’s 75-year study on the quest to decode happiness. Contrary to popular belief that fame and fortune are happiness keystones, Robert shares three important lessons learned from the study paramount for health and happiness as well as some practical, old-as-the-hill wisdom on building a fulfilling, long life.
Watch the talk

🕺 Something to dance to this week
Nile Rodgers and CHIC fill the Tiny Desk Concert space with some serious groove that keeps us boogying and smiling.
Watch the live session

🧭 A pocket-sized compass that lets you wander without getting lost
Every journey begins with a prompt. TERRA's sophisticated AI translates your intentions, available time, and precise location into a tailored trail of GPS coordinates. We haven't tried it yet, but we already love the idea.
See the product

🥪 For laughs
An idea for a meat-free lunch this week?
Watch the clip

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