It’s time to Rise + Thrive

Welcome to the very first edition of the Yeu newsletter. We’re so glad you’re here! Each edition will share some thoughts straight from one of our co-founders, as well as a mix of insightful healthy longevity research and news, updates on our products and launches, Yeu Zone community features, and current team favourites. Enjoy!

From our founders

Is a pro-aging mindset the secret to living an active, adventurous, and extraordinary life for longer?

From social media influencers and magazine covers to billboards and the entertainment industry, I am inundated daily with messages of aging being something I should dread and fight against. Honestly, most of it is contradictory, unsustainable, and not even that much fun.

It sometimes seems we may even be just accepting this narrative without even realising it. 

As a lifelong extreme endurance sports athlete, that won’t really fly with me. I have no intention of fading into the background anytime soon. Especially not when I think of everything I still want to experience!

During my 50’s I started dabbling with biohacking. Nothing too extreme. Mostly making incremental modifications to my nutrition and experimenting with various nootropics and adaptogens which I’ll share more about in a future newsletter. These small manageable habits and routines started to compound. Somehow, I felt better than I had in my 30s and 40s!

So when I turned 60 in 2021, I made a commitment to myself and my family. I decided that my 60s would be the most creative, productive, and joy-filled decade of my life. Realising how much of our healthy longevity journey comes down to daily lifestyle choices gave me a strong True North. This is why (when most people my age are thinking about retirement) I am going back to square one and launching Yeu.

My goal is to arrive at 70 with a strong body, good health, and a clear mind so I can keep doing the things I love with the people I love and I want to make that the reality for as many people as possible — including YOU!

All of this has led to the foundations of Yeu:

⚡ Longevity isn't just about counting the years; it's about making each year count

🌎 Healthy longevity must become an accessible, relevant, meaningful, and affordable lifestyle for as many people as possible

🧫 Science and nutrition can enable us to live active, adventurous, and extraordinary lives

I can’t be the only person in my generation finding it challenging to make sense of what I can and need to do as I get older. This is why our products will always support making our cells strong, keeping the body's defenses up, and helping our brain work well. Yeu will make it easier to keep moving, experiencing, and creating — no matter our age! Because here at Yeu, we see growing older as a privilege.

Whether you are 20 or 90, everyday life moments are an opportunity to focus on what matters.

Let me know what you would like to see in future issues of Rise + Thrive. You can always email or connect with me directly via LinkedIn 😃

Seize the years,

Steve Jennings | Co-Founder + CEO, Yeu

Eye-catching research

Men and women might not need equal amounts of exercise

This study sheds light on the fascinating relationship between physical activity and longevity, particularly highlighting intriguing differences between men and women.

Here's a quick overview: Researchers discovered that women can achieve the same longevity benefits with only half the amount of exercise as men. Yes, you read that right!

For men, engaging in approximately 300 minutes of aerobic exercise weekly led to an impressive 18% reduction in the risk of mortality compared to inactive counterparts. Remarkably, women only needed about 140 minutes of weekly exercise to enjoy a similar 24% decrease in the risk of death. It's truly remarkable how our bodies respond differently to physical activity.

Moreover, the study revealed that the benefits of exercise seem to level off beyond the 300-minute mark per week for both men and women. So, while staying active is crucial, it's also essential to find the balance that works best for you.

Read the full study

Extra, extra!

Some favorites from the Yeu team

📖 Nutrition Misinformation and Social Media - Why We Should Be Cautious of Food Influencers
James Collier pulls no punches with the food and nutrition articles he posts on his ‘Food For Thought’ Substack!
Read more

🎧 Food Is Medicine: How Your Diet Can PREVENT Disease
A thoughtful and helpful conversation with Dr. Christopher Gardner, Director of Nutrition Studies at Stanford Prevention Research Center on the Rich Roll podcast
Listen to the full podcast

🥦 Unseen Food of Italy + Animal-Free Farming!
Delicious and relatively easy to prepare, this is one of the most entertaining food-related videos I’ve stumbled across on YouTube for quite some time
Watch the video

📻 Lucius — Dusty Trails (Live)
About as simple as it gets, this live performance of Dusty Roads is sublime, perfect for a Sunday
Watch the live song performance

Get involved!

Join Yeu’s founders, team, and early supporters in our exclusive pre-launch WhatsApp community. Claim your spot and trial our first product for 12 weeks this summer!


JOY over Perfectionism