Seize the years

The new evidence-based healthy longevity supplement designed to support energy production, immunity protection, and cognitive function. Not just for a longer life, but a life well lived.

Daily healthy longevity capsules launching in 2024

  • Supports energy production, immunity protection, and cognitive function all in one step

  • Anchored in clinical studies and designed by our nutrition specialists for optimal efficacy, absorption, and bioavailability

  • For a full dose of all the nutritional support your healthy longevity needs

Keep moving

Keep experiencing

Keep creating

Seize the years

Keep moving • Keep experiencing • Keep creating • Seize the years •

Why Yeu?

Yeu brings 10 evidence-based ingredients together in one simple daily healthy longevity supplement designed to support your active, adventurous, and extraordinary life

Elevate your vitality

  • Helps you feel less fatigued, even at 04.00 PM!

  • Energizes you (and your mitochondria)

  • Makes sure the pathways your mitochondria use to get around are in tip-top shape

Fortify your immunity

  • Fends off that flu going around

  • Because we don’t all get quite enough sunlight every day

  • Activates your immune cells so that they’re on ‘high alert’

  • Calcium’s sidekick — K2 makes sure calcium gets to your immune cells

Sharpen your clarity

  • Fuels your brain without the caffeine ‘crash’

  • Guards your brain cells against damage

  • Essential for the production of the DNA that makes up your cells

A simple 3-in-1 healthy longevity supplement

Yeu applies nutrition science to target The 12 Hallmarks of Aging by supporting energy production, immunity protection, and cognitive function. Each ingredient has been selected with nutritional expertise backed by over 40,000 published research papers.

Yeu is proudly manufactured in Europe

Biologically active formula

Third party lab tested

Fully recyclable packaging

Ethically sourced ingredients

Science-based benefits

Through the lens of our experienced sustainability expert, Mark Shayler

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Making healthy longevity more possible, for more people

Yeu combines the Power of Nature and the Science of Nutrition to target The 12 Hallmarks of Aging and support energy production, immunity protection, and cognitive function.

The 10 ingredients in Yeu’s core formula are of the highest quality and are backed by more than 40,000 published research papers. They have novel food approvals in the EU and UK and are FDA-approved in the USA.

Yeu targets The 12 Hallmarks of Aging

Scientists have recently identified 12 cellular changes in the body which are known as ‘The 12 Hallmarks of Aging’. This provides us with a better understanding of what causes aging, and what we can do to support our cells and remain healthy and active for as long as possible as we progress through life.

Externally we see changes to our hair color, skin elasticity, and pigmentation. We experience the challenges associated with compromised nutrition and poor sleep and notice a decline in energy, muscular strength, and cognition. Internally these shifts can now be observed through changes in autophagy, NAD+ levels, and telomere structure.

Sophie Medlin, RD
Head of Nutritional Research & Healthy Longevity Content

We are committed to bringing you the best ingredients, in the easiest formula, for optimal results. To achieve that, we are putting together a team of experts and nutrition scientists that keep us on track.

Developed by experts