“Sleep well last night?"

2-minute read • Rachael Jennings

Whether we slept well or not is the first question my husband and I ask each other every morning. A good night's sleep means a day on Cloud 9, while a disturbed night can set a grumpy tone. But beyond our moods, we're on a mission to discover what sleep truly means on a deeper, cellular level and how it impacts us as we grow older.

We asked our community about sleep — here’s what they want to know 🤔

How much is enough? Are sleep monitors effective? What about remedies like teas and melatonin? Is napping good or bad? And how do diet and exercise affect sleep? These questions show a strong interest in optimizing sleep for better health and well-being. There’s so much we can speak about on this topic, and we will cover some of these in more detail in the future!

But why are we talking about sleep in the first place? 🦠

Yeu is all about energising your life, and in a literal sense energy and sleep seem to be opposites. But as is sometimes the cliche case, opposites attract, and to have epic energy every day, you also need some dang good sleep.

Important things are happening to your mitochondria while you’re snoozing away 😴

When you sleep, your mitochondria work hard to help your body repair and grow. Mitochondria are tiny parts of your cells that make ATP, a special kind of energy. This energy helps your body fix itself while you sleep. ATP also helps your brain's anterior pituitary gland, which sends out growth hormones during sleep. These hormones help your body grow and heal. Mitochondria have 37 genes that are super important for making ATP and building proteins. Not getting enough sleep can hurt your mitochondria's DNA, making it harder for your body to grow and repair (Reference.)

So, good sleep is really important to keep your body healthy and full of energy! Who’s getting an early night tonight?

Rachael Jennings | Chief Brand Officer | Co-Founder, Yeu

🗺️ Seizing the years with Brian Kling
(Our first community member feature!)

5-minute read

Our Yeu Zone community is full of special people. Find out about the adventures and health tips of Switzerland-based Brian Kling in this featured story. Brian shares how he and his family experienced the perfect blend of urban excitement and natural tranquillity in Japan and about his signature lemon water!

🛌 What I’m learning about sleep on my quest to improve my own night’s rest

2-minute read from our co-founder, Steve Jennings

It's easy to forget that we need to spend about one-third of our lives sleeping to ensure our bodies recover from the demands of everyday life. The truth is, the other two-thirds of our lives simply wouldn’t be possible without the essential role of sleep.

3 things Steve does to make his sleep better? Waking up at the same time every day. Getting out of bed and doing something relaxing if he wakes up in the night or can’t fall asleep — then returning to bed when he feels sleepy again. Exercising every day.

💤 Getting good sleep could add years to your life

2-minute read

The latest research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session covers key sleep factors that could reduce your risk of early death by up to 30%! 

What should we aim for? 7-8 hours a night, not using sleep medication, waking up refreshed 5 days a week, and not having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep more than twice a week 🌜

The results showed men might gain an extra 4.7 years, and women 2.4 years of life expectancy! 📈

🌌 Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams

Book by Matthew Walker

This New York Times bestseller about the profound impact of sleep on your brain and body is written by renowned neuroscientist Matthew Walker. It explores the essential but often misunderstood role of sleep in our lives 🛌

We love how simply this book explains about sleep enhancing learning, memory, decision-making, emotional regulation, immune function, and metabolism. Walker also shares actionable steps to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being 🌟

Trial Yeu for 12 weeks

Fancy trying our daily capsules when they launch? 25 people from our WhatsApp community will be invited to join our Head of Nutritional Research, Sophie Medlin RD, for a 12-week trial of our cellular energy formula. Make sure to join if you want to take part!


Why connections count


Wearables for cellular energy