Metabolic health is all the buzz

What does it really mean? 🔬

Metabolism might sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Metabolism is the process of converting food energy into cellular energy (our favourite kind here at Yeu – but we might be biased!) Metabolic health refers to how effectively this process works in our bodies.

From our founders

Fueling our 40 trillion cells: the key to metabolic health

One of the most common metabolic problems we see today is fatigue. The kind of tiredness where no amount of caffeine or sugar can put a pep in your step… let alone even let you think about doing anything after work other than rest. Approximately 10-15% of the general population reports chronic fatigue – and the truth is, if you’re tired, then so are your cells!

Our bodies are made up of over 40 trillion cells (containing more than 100,000 trillion energy-producing mitochondria) and every single one of them performs trillions of chemical reactions per second. All these reactions need energy. Even when you’re ‘doing nothing’, your body is doing a whole lot! Our lives literally depend on effectively powering these cells by converting the food we eat into cellular energy. 🍽️⚡

Over a lifetime, we consume about 70 metric tons of food. That’s the equivalent of an entire Olympic-sized swimming pool filled with food. How well we convert this food into energy underpins every aspect of our health. Metabolic dysfunction, increasingly talked about, happens when this conversion process falters.

On a foundational level, something isn’t working very well. So how can we save our metabolisms? By shifting our mindset from seeking (or hey, even being addicted to) peaks of intense energy throughout the day from caffeine and sugar, we can eat in a way that nourishes our cells and mitochondria throughout the day with what they need to keep us healthy. 🥗💪

Consider this: What if we approached our meals not just as sources of immediate gratification or convenience, but as opportunities to fuel our bodies for optimal performance? What if we viewed every bite as a chance to support our cells in their ceaseless work, rather than simply satisfying a fleeting craving? By making mindful choices that prioritise whole, nutrient-rich foods over processed alternatives, we not only nourish ourselves at a cellular level but also pave the way for sustained vitality and lifelong well-being.

So, as you navigate your food choices this week, challenge yourself to take a closer look at what you’re putting on your plate. Can you identify two ultra-processed foods that you could replace with whole, nourishing alternatives? Notice how these small changes ripple outward, affecting not just your immediate energy levels but also your long-term metabolic health. Your cells will thank you for it! 🥦🍎

Seize the years,

Rachael and Steve Jennings | Co-Founders, Yeu

RSVP to our first exclusive community event!

We’re on a mission to help you understand how to improve your metabolic health and increase your cellular energy production. That’s why our first Yeu Zone community event will feature the amazing Sophie Medlin (founder of CityDietitians, Chair for the British Dietetic Association (BDA) for London, and ex-lecturer at King's College London)

🗓️ Date: Wednesday, May 29th

🕟 Time: 16:30 - 17:30 GMT

📌 Secure your spot and be eligible to WIN a FREE 1:1 consultation with Sophie!

🌑 Dark side of food industry nobody talks about

Dr Casey Means is doing the rounds on podcasts this week to promote her new book Good Energy and this is the ‘must listen’ one we recommend. Discover how most diseases we face are underpinned by the same problem, metabolic dysfunction, in her conversation with Mark Hyman, MD.

Watch the episode

🥗 Why one salad a week won't save your diet

Have you ever wondered why just a couple of salads won't make up for the rest of your diet? Dive into UCC Professor Jens Walter's insights on maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

Read the article

We’re on Strava!

A few weeks ago we launched the Yeu Cru Outdoor Adventure Multi-Sport Team. It’s been amazing to see people from all over the world getting outside and moving their bodies! Join the team to make sure you don’t miss our first team event in June!


Wearables for cellular energy


The miracle makers