The miracle makers

Running on empty, no matter how much you rest? Catching every bug that's going around, leaving you feeling run-down and exhausted? Experiencing stubborn anxiety and mood swings, even when life is going well? These could be signs that your cellular health (specifically your mitochondria) needs a little TLC🔋

How understanding mitochondria can revolutionise your health

Remember those tiny cellular powerhouses we all learned about in school - mitochondria? Well, it took me 25+ years to truly grasp their significance. These little guys are like the engines of our cells, churning out energy and keeping us going every single day. They're nothing short of miraculous! It all started when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, an autoimmune condition affecting the thyroid. I found myself trying to understand how I could support my body from the inside out. As I delved deeper into understanding cellular health, I realised just how much it impacts every aspect of our well-being. It's all interconnected, from our immune system to inflammation levels, from gut health to how our skin looks and feels. 🧠

In the medical world, mitochondrial research is a rapidly growing field with implications for various areas of medicine, including ageing, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and metabolic disorders. Understanding mitochondria and their role in cellular health and disease prevention is essential for developing targeted therapies and interventions. 💪

The saying "healthy from the inside out" is grounded in scientific truth because the body's internal processes profoundly influence external well-being. When our mitochondria aren’t regenerating and working properly, it takes a big toll on many of our important internal bodily systems.

As our bodies grow older, our mitochondria naturally get damaged and become dysfunctional at an average rate of 8-10% per decade after turning 40. So to keep as many of them as functional as possible for as long as possible– it's about practical steps you can start incorporating into your daily routine to show your cells some love.

  1. Picture your body as a high-performance machine, and food as its fuel. To keep those cellular engines running smoothly, focus on filling your plate with a colourful array of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

  2. Take a brisk walk at lunchtime or have a dance party in your living room–find what moves you and make it part of your routine. Regular physical activity not only boosts circulation and oxygenation but also stimulates cellular regeneration, supporting overall cellular health.

  3. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to give your brain some much-needed downtime and allow for cellular repair, regeneration, and detoxification processes to occur.

So why should you care about your cellular health? Well, healthy cells aren't just about feeling good physically; they're about living life to the fullest. When we take care of our cells, they take care of us. 🌟

If you want to know more about how Yeu is designed to support cellular health for vitality, immunity, and clarity, check out the science page on our website or join our pre-launch WhatsApp community! 🏃‍♀️

Seize the years,

Rachael Jennings | Co-Founder + CBO, Yeu

This blog post was originally featured in our bi-weekly newsletter, Rise + Thrive, on May 12th 2024.


Metabolic health is all the buzz


JOY over perfectionism